Ham Radio in the Snoqualmie Middle Fork Valley

Who we are
WA7VC, the Valley Camp Amateur Radio Group, serving the Upper Snoqualmie Valley community since 1995.
The home of WA7VC is Valley Camp , located 6 miles NE of North Bend WA.
We have onsite a tower with a 10/15/20 meter beam and 2m/440 high gain vertical.
5 trees on the property have pulleys at or above 80' allowing for easy long wire installations.

Getting Involved
Donations to support ongoing ham radio activities can be made to Valley Camp , a 501(c)3 organization. Indicate you are supporting WA7VC.
On the air
There are a number of ways to reach us either via good 'ol RF or the internet:
- 70cm Simplex: 446.525 (no tone)
- Echolink: Node 98045 (or Valley Camp)
- IRLP: 7808
- DSTAR: WA7VC B on 440.01250Mhz + 5.000Mhz
- APRS: WA7VC-10 Digi-iGate 144.390
- DMR: NorthBend-ValleyCamp 440.7250 + 5.000Mhz (Talkgroup: Local 2)
- Winlink: W7EFR-4 on 144.950Mhz, Mode: Packet/Packet 1200, Gridsquare: CN97DL, Antenna: Omni
But what's the weather?
Our Davis VantagePro2 Plus weather station provides data to the following sites:Events
WA7VC has hosted many Ham Radio Events over the years including:
Our upcoming schedule of events is:January 26-28, 2024: Winter Field Day(Cancelled due to weather. Just too much winter!)- June 28-30, 2024: Field Day
- July 11-15, 2024: SalmonCon
- September 13-15, 2024: Summer Gathering (TBD)
Stay tuned for our 2024 event schedule!